Faces of Genocide premiered in 2018. Survivors of genocide speak for themselves in this short form documentary that explores the culture of cruelty that humanity has allowed to endure.

Among the countless ways we humans have found to brutalize one another, genocide is arguably the worst. It is aimed at obliterating, through violent acts, the members of a targeted race, ethnicity, religion or nationally affiliated group.

What has kept humanity from eradicating this shameful legacy dating back centuries? Why do nations value sovereignty over human rights? Has any progress been made?

Faces of Genocide addresses these questions. And if the statistics numb us to these crimes, Faces of Genocide gives us the opportunity to listen to the gripping personal stories of survivors of the 20th and early 21st century genocides. We learn much from them.


Beth Van Schaack, United States
Mohamed I. Elgadi, Sudan
Haider Elias, Iraq


Chivy Sok, Cambodia
Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, Bosnia
Theogene Rudasingwa, Rawanda
Elise Hagopian Taft, Armenia
Helen Farkas, Romania

Special thanks

Daniel Chirot, professor of International Studies, University of Washington
Herbert Hirsch, professor of Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University
Félim McMahon, director of Technology and Human Rights, Center for Human Rights, University of California Berkeley School of Law
Luis Moreno Ocampo, first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court; professor, Harvard Kennedy School
Eric Stover, faculty director at Center for Human Rights, University of California Berkeley School of Law
Samuel Totten, professor emeritus of history, University of Arkansas

Very special thanks

Morton Stein


Directed by Paul Mariano and Kurt Norton, Gravitas Docufilms

Executive produced by Gayle Donsky

Produced by Gayle Donsky

Associate produced by Diane Sampson

Written by Paul Mariano, Kurt Norton, Gayle Donsky, Diane Sampson

Edited by Alex Calleros

Photography by Frazer Bradshaw, Kurt Norton and Randy Graham

Narration by Peter Coyote

Post production consultant Matt Radecki

HD services by Different By Design

Color correction by Frazer Bradshaw

Re-recording mixer Kent Sparling

Narration recorded at Mixstream, Sebastopol, CA

Marin activist sheds light on genocide with documentary,”
Marin Independent Journal (Nov. 2018)

New short film focuses on genocide and, how to stop it,”
Jewish News of Northern California (Oct. 2018)

Faces of Genocide gallery