Public TV Underwriting Opportunity
The Broken Promise is being released nationally to public television affiliates in January 2024
Underwriting The Broken Promise
In January 2024 the award winning-documentary The Broken Promise (56 minutes) will be distributed nationwide by American Public Television to public television stations.
The Broken Promise is being licensed to American Public Television (APT) for syndication to all 350 public television stations under a three-year, multi-play license in the United States. This national release is being held in coordination with the Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27, 2024) and Genocide Awareness & Prevention Month (April 2024). — In addition to the nationwide release, the documentary will be publicly available for streaming through app and the PBS app.
KQED Premiere — The Broken Promise will premiere on KQED-TV (San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose DMA) on December 8, 2023 at 8 p.m. PST. KQED, one of the nation’s most-watched public television stations during primetime, is the presenting station for the national release.
We invite your company, organization, foundation, or family to provide a tax-deductible underwriting support for this meaningful program choosing from various levels of commitment.
There could not be a more crititcal time to confront the urgent issues of genocide and the unfulfilled promise to protect human rights — and work to ensure that “never again” is now. The Washington Post Editorial Board recently wrote about the genocide repeating itself in Darfur, Sudan that “never again” seems to have become “again and again,” with the world seemingly unable or unwilling to intervene.
Sponsorship Levels
We invite your company, organization, foundation, or family to provide tax-deductible underwriting support for this meaningful program by choosing from four levels of commitment:
Level 1 - $15,000
Your company, foundation, family, or individual name is on-screen and expressed through voice-over for 10 seconds* at the beginning and end of the program.
Level 2 - $25,000
Your company, organization, foundation, family, or individual name in a specialized video message on-screen for 15 seconds* at the beginning and end of the program.
Level 3 - $50,000
Your company, foundation, family, or individual name in a specialized video message on-screen for 20 seconds* at the beginning and end of the program.
Level 4 - $75,000
Your company, foundation, family, or individual name in a specialized videomessage on-screen for 30 seconds* at the beginning and end of the program. The film's producer and director will present the film at a special event of your choice.
Our film is represented by Artemis Independent, a respected and experienced Station Relations consultancy that will work to achieve the highest possible national affiliate coverage, focused on the top ten U.S. media markets.
Carriage and ratings analysis will be provided to help demonstrate the value of your sponsorship and brand reach.
Read our press release here.
Please contact us to discuss possible sponsorship opportunities. Email director Kurt Norton: